Registration & Product Sales

Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
More Title Sponsor - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
  • Golf, lunch and post event reception for one (1) foursome
  • Recognition on all event communication and social media
  • Logo on welcome banner 
More Silver Level - 1 Team Included
Note Only 2 available.
  • Golf, lunch and post event reception for one (1) foursome
  • Signage on welcome banner 
  • Recognition at Opening Ceremony and social media
More Golf Cart Sponsor - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
  • Golf, lunch and post event reception for one (1) foursome
  • Company logo on all golf carts used in the event
  • Recognition at Opening Ceremony and on social media 
More Just Play - 1 Team Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • Golf, lunch and post event reception for one (1) foursome
More Individual Golfer - 1 Player Included
Note Only 9 available.
  • Golf, lunch and post event reception for one (1) golfer

"Hit it hard. It will land somewhere."